Wattum management has been developing various mining solutions for several years and is well aware of all the needs of the miner.
And now we are ready to present our W_Firmware for Bitmain T17+
They are fully tested and ready for mass use.
Our clients trust us for a long time and there are more and their number is only increasing.
W_firmware has a number of special features that will allow you to get more profit and less maintenance difficulties
- Up to 70 TH\s with the same 50J\th
- 15% Less electricity consumption and 15% less heat with the same Hashrate ( 55 TH/s — 2750 watt VS 55 TH/s — 2350 watt )
- Automated settings presets: let your hardware work at full capacity!
- Improved automated power management individually by chip or by hashboard
Why should you choose W-Firmware?
1. Mining optimization and control
Power efficiency: up to 41J\TH!
Flexible settings: preinstalled presets and intelligent overclocking!

2. Virus protection: full protection and signature updates
New service provides total virus protection. Our database delivers real-time updates!
All scripts were audited, all vulnerabilities were corrected.
3. Device overclocking and smart downvolt
Control each hashboard: set voltage, preinstalled overclocking mining profiles (up to 70TH on air and up to 75ТH\s by immersive liquid)
Enabling extreme “immersion” options in the menu automatically add new overclocking profiles into menu, no more neet fan emulators.

4. New user-friendly interface with wattmeter and other useful features!
Also provide:
- Light signals for diagnostic operations
- Light flashing mode for quick search selected device in your farm
- Mining stop button
- Device reboot button

5. New partner program

We are invited to collaborate with big mining farms, data centers, mining hotels and huge miners.
Include your own fee into our firmware, get more mining value — our firmware is the easiest way to get that!
We are ready to provide special conditions for our friends, partners and resellers.
Convenient configuration includes separate page for fee setting and fee selection
More information can be found on the website.
We also have a group on telegram where you can ask questions and get a prompt response, follow the link to join the group.
Other firmware:
Firmware for Antminer S17+;
Firmware for Antminer T17;
Firmware for Antminer S17/S17pro.
Source: https://medium.com/@WattumManagement/wattum-firmware-for-antminer-t17-15d5516848cd